Sexton Plumbing Co., Inc.
"Our Mission is to provide ALL customers with Professionalism, Efficiency, and Quality on every project, everyday without question."
Rex Sexton - President
Our success in the Multi-Family arena is because we adhere to this code company wide. Our strong principles in this field have afforded us the reputation needed to survive and flourish through the years while maintaining our competitive edge. Our continual growth has been possible by understanding that Multi-Family Development is a fast paced, demanding industry.
We provide highly skilled employees and knowledgeable staff to remain current on state and local codes so that we can meet these stringent deadlines without compromising professionalism or quality. Every project we undertake receives the same attention and involvement from start to finish whether the project is large or small.
In this business, we are aware that customers (General Contractors, Owners, etc.) are our number one asset so we devote as much time and energy that is necessary to provide the Owners and General Contractors the quality they expect and deserve.